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Teacher support charity announces London prize winners 

A national charity announced its five London-based winners of their prestigious prize for the development of outstanding new resources in the academic space. 

The PTI (previously, the Prince’s Teaching Institute) presented Katelynn Whatmore, Ayesha Khan, and Owen Lutes from the Robert Clack School in Dagenham along with Charu Gupta from Hasmonean High School for Girls and Sadia Ali from Plashet School with the Martin Roberts Prize.

The late Martin Roberts was a key player in the establishment of the PTI’s New Teacher Subject Days courses, the prize was established in 2022 in his memory and to celebrate the best new teaching resources created by course participants.

Carolyn Roberts, Co-Director, the PTI said: “It’s an educational charity that was set up in 2006 by the former Prince of Wales, what he wanted to do was to raise money to support state schools, to give teachers high quality subject specific training.

“It started small but we’ve been going for almost 20 years now, we have a large range of subjects and a large number of schools.” 

The PTI helps teachers and school leaders become more enthusiastic and effective through bringing subject-specific teaching to schools.

Roberts said: “It has been inspiring to see the high-quality resources created by teachers on our courses this year. 

“We are delighted for the teachers who were awarded the Martin Roberts Prize for their outstanding work.”

Katelynn Whatmore, 27, was one of the five winners in London of this year’s Martin Roberts Prize winners for outstanding new resources.

She was inspired by a lecture she attended that looked at how mammals develop and how animals have evolved to suit different adaptations.

Whatmore said: “I designed an activity where we were looking at natural selection, the pupils as a whole engaged really well, and got a lot of information out of it.

Whatmore believes linking lessons to the real world and making them exciting is key, helping children to understand where it fits into the curriculum and life.

She added: “You could have the most boring topic but if you have a good relationship with the pupils and they’re keen to learn – your lessons will be successful.”

Photo credit: Photo by MChe Lee on Unsplash

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