
Is there an appetite for a second Euro referendum?

It’s been over two years since the British people decided to leave the European Union and we still haven’t officially left.

While Parliament debates on what kind of deal we need, the NHS stockpiles drugs in anticipation of a ‘no-deal’, and people take to the streets of London for a ‘People’s Vote March for the Future’ (pictured above)  it’s clear the Brexit process has exhausted everyone.

In light of a recent YouGov poll showing people were becoming more in favour of a second referendum, we decided to ask the people of Wimbledon their positions on the matter.

42% – Yes,                    54% – No,            4% – Unsure

Rhianna Burden (23), believed that we should have another referendum, having voted remain but was not confident a new result would emerge: “there was a lot of lying [in the Leave campaign]”.

ANOTHER VOTE: Rhianna believes there should be second poll

Oliver Thomas (50), who voted in favour of Brexit, thought there should not be another referendum and that the Government should stay committed and follow the people’s initial vote.

He said:  “We should stand on our own two feet.”

GO IT ALONE: Oliver says we are better out than in

Marcus McCarroll (44), said that there should be a second referendum as not everyone, including politicians, were well informed about the decision.

He said ‘It was a learning curve for politicians.”

LEARNING CURVE: Marcus is in favour of a second referendum

Featured image courtesy of Alex via Flickr

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