Carousel horse in garden

WATCH: South London author hopes to start new genre for adults with learning disabilities

An author from south London wrote a book for adults with learning disabilities inspired by a carousel horse in her garden. 

Jennifer Munro wrote ‘Edward Pureheart and the Forever Children’ for her daughter Kate Horncastle, who has a rare genetic condition called CHD2 deletion which has caused her to have epilepsy and autism. 

After being sent as a gift from the United States, Edward, an antique carousel horse, became the centrepiece in Horncastle’s garden and was repaired by BBC’s Repair Shop

Jennifer says she plans to write the next instalment in the series because her daughter declared that Edward wants a girlfriend.

She hopes to raise awareness for adults with learning disabilities and encourage other authors to write enough books like this to start a new genre for them.

You can purchase Edward Pureheart and the Forever Children on their website

Watch the full report below.

Video and image credit: Maya Mehrara

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