Green tram travels through Croydon

Croydon leads London in microbusiness growth new research shows

Croydon has become London’s fastest-growing hub for microbusinesses, according to new research from GoDaddy’s Venture Forward initiative.

The findings analysed data from over 600,000 UK microbusinesses, giving each constituency in a microbusiness density score.

Croydon East, previously Croydon Central, was ranked first in London and third overall in the UK as it saw a 24% rise in microbusiness numbers over the past year.

Mayor of Croydon and owner of a family-run small business, Jason Perry, said: “Croydon is fantastic and dynamic, it has a rich history that is diverse, vibrant and steeped in culture and arts.

“The borough has all the ingredients for small business owners to say yes to success.”

Croydon South also saw significant growth, with a 14% increase, making it the second fastest-growing area in London and eighth in the UK overall.

Start-up Croydon CEO Saffron Saunders said: “The community is ambitious, supportive, and incredibly inclusive

“Our diversity is our strength.”

He described the hunger for growth within the community.

Croydon Council have put forward a three-year inward investment plan, in line with the announcement of the £7.2m regeneration of the town centre.

This additional investment aims to boost micro businesses in the area further.

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