
Save the NHS: Campaigning pledge on Sutton High Street

A pledge to save the NHS by People’s NHS will be held tomorrow on Sutton High Street.

The campaigning stunt, which will be held from 11am-1pm, will also involve local campaigners and a giant inflatable elephant to symbolise ‘the elephant in the room’.

The pledge, which opposes the closure of some of St Helier’s departments, being part of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), and selling off the NHS has already been signed by some ‘major’ Parliamentary candidates.

The Green, Labour and National Health Action (NHA) party candidates have already signed the pledge, but the activists are still ‘eager’ for Lib Dem to sign.

A spokesperson for People’s NHS said: “We want the Lib Dems to come and sign the pledge, they have said a lot and we hope they mean it.

“We are protecting the NHS, we want David Cameron to keep the NHS public, free, and one of the best national health services in the world.”

They added: “No more cuts, no more closures of hospitals.”

The pledge will ensure Parliamentary members, who choose to sign it, will write publicly to David Cameron ‘demanding’ that he protects our NHS services in England, uses his veto to protect the NHS from TTIP, and scraps the ‘Health and Social Care Act 2012’.

To find out more about the pledge, or People’s NHS, you can visit their website here.

Picture courtesy of  Martin Addison, with thanks.

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