Picture of a red music sheet book with a blurred Christmas tree in the back

Christmas carol service celebrates Royal National Lifeboat Institute

A Christmas carol service was hosted onboard a Royal National Lifeboat Insitute (RNLI) boat to raise money for the charity.

The Golden Salamander boat at Chiswick Pier, Hounslow, played host to the event on 21 December and featured a variety of classic carols including ‘Away in a Manger’ and ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’.

The service was led by Vicar Simon Brandes, and gave the public a chance to meet the RNLI in person, interact with them and learn more about why the work the Royal National Lifeboat Institute do is important to London.

South West Londoner spoke to the Skipper of the Golden Salamander Adrian Allworth who detailed the benefits of in-person celebrations that not only increase awareness but get people out of the house and off their screens.

In the below audio news package, Brandes speaks about why he decided to support the RNLI with his service, as well as the importance of finding hope during the festive season.

It was clear that the carol service was a great way to gather the community together and celebrate what’s important during Christmas, whilst showcasing the necessity of the RNLI’s work as a charity that saves lives daily.

Listen here:

Image Credit: David Beale (Unsplash)

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