
East Sheen sketcher showcases his area in beautiful works of art

An East Sheen sketcher set himself a thirty day challenge to draw his home area and get in better touch with his neighbourhood during lockdown.

Designer, speaker and sketcher Charles Leon, 60, took to East Sheen’s streets, cafés, churches and graveyards to sketch the diverse architecture that exists in the leafy south west London suburb.

Charles, who has lived in and around East Sheen all his life, received positive feedback from his community and hopes to partner with a charity to publish a book of his drawings – and generate further interest in the area.

The White Hart in Barnes. Credit: Charles Leon.
The Stag’s Head, Barnes. Credit: Charles Leon.

Creative thinking is very important to Charles, and he stressed that creativity is a natural state for human beings.

He said: “We get educated out of creativity which I think is deeply unfortunate.

“This is partly because it’s very difficult to measure it and we see schools getting less and less interested in humanities and creative subjects but the benefit is enormous – whether you are an accountant, mathematician or scientist.

“Whatever you are, I think creative thinking is the key to all of it.”

Charles runs his own blog where he posts his sketches, writing and more information about his life and career.

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