
Anti-TTIP campaigners protest at London demo to prevent NHS ‘being sold off to highest bidder’

South West Londoners were out in force over the weekend as part of a European day of action against the passing of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

TTIP is a series of trade negotiations being carried out between the US and the EU.

Campaigners believe that negotiations could have far-reaching implications for people’s everyday lives and this prompted Londoners to spread the word by flyering the streets.

Speaking before the event, executive director of campaigners 38 Degrees David Babbs said: “People in London will be standing with thousands of people across the country to say that we love our NHS too much to let it be sold off to the highest bidder.”

CAMPAIGNERS 38 degrees featured

The negotiations could put the NHS at risk of privatisation and could also allow corporations to sue governments for perceived lost earnings.

Such policy negotiations have come under fire from activists.

Claire McCormack, leafleting at Barnes Farmers’ Market in Richmond, said: “I’m here giving out leaflets because so few people have heard about TTIP, yet it could lead to such fundamental changes.

38 degrees campaigner with sign

“I object that TTIP is being negotiated by officials who are not directly accountable to us.”

The negotiations could put the NHS at risk of privatisation and could also allow corporations to sue governments for perceived lost earnings.

Such policy negotiations have come under fire from activists.

power to the people sign

Nicolette King, 54, from Barnes, is concerned about the secretive nature of the talks and believes that people power is a good way to challenge TTIP.

“How dare they do it in secret? We aren’t affiliated to a political party and as a grassroots movement we can really make a difference.”

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